Work and Watch

Author: Douglas E. Nevill, Sr.
Work & Watch Gardening is a personal project of mine. My name is Doug and my primary source of income is Best Way Websites. I am the architect of the program. It is a website builder and CMS (Content Management System) for small businesses.
I grew up in Texas and have lived in Washington State since 1986, and on the Olympic Peninsula (home of the Olympic National Park) since 1993.
I Grew Up Gardening
We always had a backyard garden. I can remember tomatoes, beans, turnips, corn, and squash. I'm sure that there was a lot more, but those are the ones that I remember.
My First Garden
I must have had my first garden when I was about 4 years old. I planted popcorn and pinto beans on the south facing side of our home, then in Corsicana, Texas.
We actually harvested and ate the beans, but I remember that my little popcorn that grew ended up getting worms in the little ears ... so we ate the worms instead. Not really.
Organic Gardening
I wasn't exposed to organic gardening until I first subscribed to Rodale's Organing Gardening magazine as a young married man. My dad I remember was a fan of Miracle Grow and Sevin Dust.
Well, I started my own gardens off by using what I had learned from my Dad. Very natural. Even when as a young man "I embraced" organic gardening, I was still using a lot of lab-created chemicals.
... I do things much differently now. I now use only natural, organic, no packaged, big corporation developed, lab-created chemical inputs.
Biology breaks down into Chemicals
I do use some "chemicals" that I make myself from the naturally occurring elements of the earth.

Principles: Work & Watch Gardening
Why Work & Watch?
In the first book of the Bible, Genesis, we are told that God formed man from the earth, called his name "Adam" (his name means "earth" or "dirt"). We are told that God planted a garden and then he placed Adam in the garden to "dress and keep" it.
- Genesis 2:15 And the LORD God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it.
Dress basically means work.
Keep basically means watch.
... so basically, I have called this project "Work and Watch". I could have used those same words: dress and keep, but someone beat me to them. Anyway, I'm a lover of alliteration!
There is also some keen life and spiritual principles that we can derive from working and watching.